Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Simpler Time

A close friend of mine moved away to Hong Kong when we were in grade 4. We were best friends since Kindergarten so it was a pretty sad time. However, we did write to each other quite frequently. To this day, we both have boxes full of old letters from each other. Recently we reunited in Hong Kong and we were reading all the old letters I sent her. We were pretty dumb kids! Well I was...I mean I couldn't even spell noodles! "Nuddles"! My cheesiness gets me every time! Some things never change...I'm still incredibly cheesy. Anyway, I'm glad we've still kept in touch all this time! She's my oldest friend!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH "Nuddles"! I crack up everytime I read that. I'm sure I had lots of spelling mistakes too. We were so dumb!
    I was actually cleaning out my room recently and I found some more cards and letters that you sent me. and some gifts too! There were a couple necklaces that you gave me before I left for good and bookmarks, handmade photo frames and many more! I should take a photo of it hahahaha
    and you're not only my oldest friend but my first friend too! :D
