Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Go Jays Go!!!

It's been a while since I've watched a Toronto Blue Jays game. The weather was great, the seats were great and the company was great! LETS GO JAYS!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Like Mother Like Daughter

Found some hidden treasures while cleaning the house: my mom's old clothes! Thankfully I am the same size as past mom!...relatively! Some things are quite snug. The only items purchased were the crop top (Victoria's Secret Pink) and the shoes (Taiwan department store). I love mixing vintage with new or present styles!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Thoughtful Gift

The mom of one of my students made me this little tote as a going away present! She is amazing with a needle and thread! She even made her daughter's Minnie Mouse Halloween costume and it looked store bought!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Takoyaki Party

Last weekend I hosted a Takoyaki party at my house with some of my adult students and coworkers. Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack (Osaka is best known for it). It's comprised of diced octopus, pickled ginger and a wheat flour-based batter. Here is the special pan we used to cook the Takoyaki in. Thin wooden sticks are used to consistently flip and rotate the batter to make little ball shapes. We had a great time!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Japanese Dolls

This is an acrylic painting I made of little Japanese dolls in 2009. It currently resides with my cousin in his apartment. Yup, he's a very supportive cousin; he must have like 15 of my paintings hung up all over his place! I really need to get back into painting...I haven't created anything in years!


Thanks yet again Miyuki San for baking us these delicious chocolate chip waffles!

Tokashiki Tradition

This weekend we went to Tokashiki Island, it's about an hour ferry ride away from Mainland Okinawa. We left early Sunday, well that's what we were aiming for at least. When we arrived at Naha port, there were so many people. More so than usual because there was a typhoon the day before so the ferries were not operating that day...and on top of that, there were a ton of tourists. So tickets for the 10:00 am ferry were all sold out. We ended up taking the 1:00 pm ferry instead. It wasn't too bad, we still had plenty of beach time when we arrived on the island. We stayed in a cute hostel near the beach. The view was like how I remembered...BREATHTAKING! The water was every shade of blue you can was a little murkier than last time because of the typhoon but still gorgeous. Kevin tried to swim out to touch the buoys but quickly turned back when he saw a fish that, at first, resembled a water snake! AHAHA! I saw a white fish, the size of my hand, swimming close to the shore. The sand was honestly so soft and the sun against are skin was soothing. The hostel provided us with breakfast and dinner, we only stayed there one night and came back today (Monday) at around 3:00 pm. We had a lot of fun and I'm ten times darker burns though so YATTAAAA!!!